Taste of Vienna Returns

Fundraiser supports the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department.

After a two-year COVID pause, the family-friendly Taste of Vienna, presented by the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department, returned on Saturday, May 1, 2022, to showcase the great dishes from local restaurants and food trucks and raise funds. The Vienna Volunteer Fire Department's Taste of Vienna food festival in 2020 would have been the organization's ninth annual event.

This year's free event, which took place in the Vienna Fire Station parking lot at 400 Center Street South, included beverages and food for purchase, live music, and a moon bounce for the little ones. Members of the Vienna Business Association served the beer, while the wine was served by Vienna Vintner, a local, independent wine store and event venue.

This event benefited the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department founded in 1903 and organized as a community-focused, volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. While the VVFD works in partnership with the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department to provide 24-hour front-line staffing with paid firefighters and paramedics on three shifts, the VVFD owns and maintains the station and the equipment.

"The Vienna Volunteer Fire Department (VVFD) was thrilled to be able to finally bring back the Taste of Vienna after a two-year delay due to COVID. The Taste of Vienna is our second largest fundraiser following our weekly Sunday night bingo, so it was great to finally have it back and generating funds that can be put to furthering our emergency response and community outreach efforts, including the acquisition of a new frontline engine for the station,” said Reagan N. Clyne, Taste of Vienna chair Vienna Volunteer Fire Department.  

“Additionally, as a community event that everyone looks forward to every year, it was also wonderful to be able to once again bring the community together as a whole and support our local restaurants and food businesses.  With the beautiful weather, we had a phenomenal turnout and a good time was had by all," said Clyne..

The mission of the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department is to protect and preserve the lives and property of the citizens of the Town of Vienna and Fairfax County from fire, medical, and other emergencies. Volunteers work with county professionals, providing supplemental staffing on the career fire engine and paramedic unit and additional units such as an ambulance and engine. The fire department also runs educational campaigns to teach people about fire safety and how to save their lives in the event of a fire.

A tax-deductible contribution would be greatly appreciated, especially since the Taste of Vienna, a major fundraiser for VVFD, was forced to be canceled two years in a row. To learn more, visit the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department webpage.