Racial Equity Toolkit for School Board

To the Editor:

Our city government has hailed the recent introduction of the Racial Equity Toolkit to “promote racial equity” and “enhance marginalized communities” in our city.

Based on the results of the School Board’s system to select a new Principal for the former T.C. Williams High School, it appears the School Board as well as the marginalized Hispanic community, might mutually benefit from the use of this miraculous Racial Equity Toolkit.

The School Board has recommended solely two African American educators for consideration to become the new Principal at the former T.C. Williams High School despite the student population of both the high school and the entire school system becoming increasingly majority Hispanic.

This must be sadly disappointing to the marginalized Hispanic communities of Arlandria/Chirilagua and the West End, whose self-esteem would significantly benefit from seeing a member of their heritage in a leadership position.

For example:

38% = racial makeup by Hispanic students in entire ACPS

25% = racial makeup by Black students in entire ACPS

35% = racial makeup by Hispanics of last High School graduation class

27% = racial makeup by Blacks of last High School graduation class

10% = racial makeup by Hispanics of High School Staff

33% = racial makeup by Blacks of High School Staff

The results of the School Board in this critically important leadership selection appear to contradict their highly publicized mantra of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity.” Disappointingly, the marginalized Hispanic students, which make up 38 percent of the student population, continue to make up only 10 percent of the Administration, Leadership and employees of the High School while the stagnant African American population benefits disproportionately.

Perhaps enrollment in the Racial Equity Toolkit Program will result in enlightened results for the School Board and bring the high school Administration, Leadership and employees into a more equitable racial balance.

Gerald B. File

ACPS Graduate & Alexandria Resident