Thank You and Big Challenges Ahead in the State Legislature

On Nov. 7, 2023, the voters of the 34th Senate District cast 54,678 votes and elected me to a third term in the Senate of Virginia by a 40% margin (69.95% to 29.97%). Thank you for entrusting me to continuing to serve as your state senator. For the full election results for our area, visit:

34th District Election Results


Here are some other statistics:

* 34th District voters supported me in 46 of 47 precincts, ranging from 81.59% of the vote to 48.16%. 

* 19,311 people voted early. In my last contested election in 2015, 1,994 people voted early. Early voting this year represented a 1,000% increase from 2015.

* 1,917 voters had their votes counted after the polls closed by mailing their ballots before the polls closed because of the new law we passed in 2020.

* 697 new voters participated in this election because they used same day registration.

* Early voting was up over 800% statewide compared with four years ago.

* 63% of ballots in my race were cast on Election Day.

Expanding the time for early voting has been a resounding success, as evidenced by voters’ use of it. It has fundamentally changed Virginians' ability to participate in our democracy. 

My opponent ran a civil campaign, which I thank him for and 16,538 people voted for him. I recognize their values and concerns and hope to continue to listen to everyone, incorporate many views and earn the trust of those who may not agree with me on everything. 

Statewide, voters also affirmed the Senate Democrats' Blue Brick Wall and maintained our Senate Democratic majority which has rejected attempts to repeal the progress we made in recent years. Virginia voters also elected a Democratic majority to the House of Delegates which will enable a more united front and ensure more progress. 


Protecting Our Progress

In terms of policy, here's what the election results likely mean, based on the Youngkin administration’s initiatives reported in the media:

* No 15-week abortion ban or further restrictions on women's reproductive healthcare. We will try to start the process of amending the Constitution of Virginia to permanently protect women's reproductive healthcare rights.

* Protecting our expansion of Virginians' ability and opportunities to vote.

* More adequately funding K-12 schools and higher educationas Virginians expect.

* Protecting the progress Democrats made to address climate change and criminal justice reform.

* Reaffirming and expanding protections for LGBTQ Virginians. 

* Protecting our progress and expanding our ability to prevent firearm violence.

* Protecting minimum wage increases, employee protections and civil justice reforms.

The state legislature could approve these policies because of your support. 


In our community, Del. Mark Sickles will return as Vice Chair of the House Appropriations Committee. Del. Paul Krizek will also serve as a senior appropriator and chair important subcommittees. Del. Kathy Tran is returning and was just elected to serve in the number three leadership position, to head the House Democratic Caucus. Delegate-elect Rozia Henson brings new perspective as the newest member of the Eastern Fairfax and South County legislative team. All of this means that we will have numerous seats at the table to help our area.


Elected Majority Leader, Judiciary Chairman

I am humbled that my colleagues in the Senate Democratic Caucus selected me as their Majority Leader for the next four years. Succeeding retiring Senator Dick Saslaw, who has led our caucus since 1995, leaves huge, historic shoes to fill. Our caucus will be reinvigorated with nine new members and a majority of 21 members who have served with us fewer than eight months. I look forward to harnessing their ideas and energy and the strengths of the new House Democratic majority to make lasting progress in our state.

Finally, I am honored that my colleagues selected me as the next chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Reforming Virginia's civil and criminal justice policy has always been a passion for me. This committee has primary jurisdiction over Virginia's firearm violence prevention laws. 

It is an exciting time to be helping make our community a better place and I especially appreciate the confidence you as my constituents have placed in me. I look forward to your involvement and guidance.

Please share your views at and thank you again for your support.